Patricia Charles

Patricia Charles

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Press Photography vs Art Photography

Press photography mainly deals with the capturing of images that are used for news,documentations,entertainment and lifestyle stories for publicaton.Their main purpose is to capture the audience by showing the emotions of the images and trying to portray what it is like for the people in the photographs.When these photos are taken they are then altered, in this way it is no longer the original and then published in newspapers and magazines.

           Rescuers help survivors after Earthquske in Sichuan, China By :Bo Bor 

When dealing with press photography, you have to be creative and make your photos believable, while following various types of codes of  ehtichs and guidelines. Photographers must also ensure that there are mixtures of validity and reliabiltiy.

     Photographer Carlos F. Gutierrez, Patagonia Press for Diario La Tercera, showing Chaiten volcano erupts, Chile, May 2, 2008

In contrast to press photography, art photography is somewhat more difficult to define. Technically there is no definition of art photography because art is looked at in many different ways. People have many ways of viewing art and art can only be determined based on a person. Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses and emotion (Wikipedia), Persoally I think we can define art based on what we see, based on what the books says that art is not. It is not like commercial photography, in that it is not produced to sell a product or promote an image. It is not journalistic in nature where a photograph is taken to capture or tell a visual story that coincides with a written one.
                                                        Nadar Terror

Instead art photography is more treasured, to some people more valuable. It can also be viewed as artistic and interesting. (e.g Old antique buildings, landscapes,natural elements). Whereas press photography cannot been altered and edited art photography are usually are edited. Alterations are not acceptable in press photography, because it represents the reality. Alterations are used in art photography, because it is fiction. Photographer choose to keep the original photo and not have to many of that copies so that they can be sold at a higher auctioned price.

 It is very hard to distinguish between the 2 types of photographs, because they do look alike at times. For instance the photograph can be looked at as a Press photographed of a very rare flower, instead it is an art photograph. I think it is very unethical to alter Art photographs, the fact being that art is suppose to be original. And by editing the images to me it is no longer art. Press photograph on the other hand can be altered to sell the story or to improve the qulaity.


In general, press photography provides the audience with facts about present events that are taking place around the world.  The audiences are then able to make their own judgment based on the written news and the image accompanying it. It provides them with the validity of the event and a personal connection to the subjects of the news story as well. 

Art photography is like any other form of art.  Art photographers similar to painters are free to express their artistic vision and feelings through their unlimited resources and techniques. The image does not have to be related to any media event- the image can be of anything and everything.

Work Cited 

Westbrook, D. (2007). A brief history of photojournalism. Retrieved on November 13th, 2010 from

Wikipedia contributors, . "Press photography." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., 27Jan2009. Web. 13 Nov 2010. <

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